Master Mu recives the "Master of the Year 2016 for Health Qi Gong" award.
We are so happy to share that our beloved teacher Master Cathy Mu just received the award of "Master of the Year 2016 for Health Qi Gong" at the 17th World Congress on Qi Gong, Tai Chi, and Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco.
Master Mu led powerful workshops there every day from Friday 9/2 to Sunday 9/4, serving as the Master Teacher/Healer from PureBeautiful Healing Foundation as part of her services to the community. Many people who attended her amazing workshops shared how much they enjoyed her pure and loving energy transmissions and absolutely loved her valuable teachings. The workshops Master Mu taught there included "How to Master Your Health, Wealth, Beauty, & Happiness" and "The Secret to the Fountain of Youth, Radiating Beauty, & Joyful Love". Master Mu also led a special "Dancing Qi Gong for Vibrant Health, Ever-Lasting Beauty, and Closer Connection with the Divine" at the Opening Ceremony.
It was very moving to watch people transforming from the beautiful Divine Energy Master Mu channeled in and enjoying the highly effective practices Master Mu taught.
Now, we'd like to announce our next event with Master Mu:
Free Event at "Peace in the Park" Festival in San Francisco Sat. 9/17, 2016.
Master Mu has been invited to teach at the "Peace in the Park” Festival. The classes are FREE of charge, as part of our services to the community. There is NO entry fee to the Festival.
Location: Area #10 (TaiChi Area), Movement Zone in the Bandshell (Spreckels Temple of Music), near de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park.
1. Dancing Qi Gong for Vitality, Confidence, & Joyful Love
Starting 3:30 PM
2. Qi Gong for Reversing Aging & Weight Optimization
Starting 4:30 PM
For detailed info of the Festival, please click HERE.
In the meanwhile, you are welcome to check out our powerful Online Courses for self- empowerment and self-healing.
1. The Abundance Workshop:
How to Master Your Qi to Attract Abundance and Enjoy a Truly Enriched Life
with Master Mu
2. The Kidney System Healing Class Level I:
Qi Gong for Strengthening the Kidneys System to Help You Heal the Bones, Reproductive Organs, Kidneys/Bladder, Hearing, Insomnia, and Fear/Stress/Agitation
- with Master Mu
3. The Feng Shui Healing Workshop:
Healing Feng Shui for Your Home, Office, and Car to Clear Obstacles and Bring in Powerful Positive Energy
- with Master Mu
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